Degasser Tank & Tower for Caltex
Design, supply, fabricate & paint Degasser Tank & Tower for Caltex.
February 2018
Value: $250,000.00
Design of Degasser Tank & Tower to API 650/AS1692 (Design includes calculations and total of 8 drawings for Tank and Tower)
Supply and fabrication of Degasser Tower and Tank (Gr 250 Plate)
External coating of Degasser Tower and Tank to Caltex Std 40.06. Spec B01 system 6
Supply of Bolts and gaskets, structural supports
FRP Hat (200mm high, 10mm thk and UV resistant overcoat)
316SS Support Grid
Internal coating of Degasser Tank & Tower to Ceilcote 680 Primer Epoxy & Ceilcote 662 Flakeline Epoxy Novolac.
Allowance for confined space work during internal painting.
MDR documentation (ITPs, WPS and QA)
Delivery to site (Allowance for oversized load with police escort to Caltex Lytton)