Safety & Sustainability
IIM remains vigilant on issues of workplace health and safety, environment and sustainability, continually seeking to adopt best practice standards in its daily business practices, this being reflected in our AS4801 compliant management system.
It is an expectation that all management and employees throughout the organisation will play a vital role in supporting the continuous improvement and implementation of a proactive Workplace Health, Safety and Environment program and strive toward achieving the long-term goal of ‘zero injuries’.

Best Practice Safety Management System
IIM operates under a best practice safety management system in accordacne with AS/NZS4801 which sets out to achieve six primary objectives:
To meet and exceed wherever practicable, the broad legislative requirements relating to Workplace Health and Safety, Environment and Rehabilitation (i.e. WHS Act 1995 and associated Regulations);
To meet and exceed wherever practicable, the requirements of AS4801;
To provide management with a set of specific, auditable business requirements against which specific documentation and practices can be measured;
To provide management in a leadership position with concise and detailed information on the minimum health and safety standards expected by the company;
Establish and formalise expectations for the progressive continuous improvement of the WHS Management System across Industrial Installation and Maintenance; and
Provide a means for interested 3rd parties to understand the WHS Management System and its systems of work.
To view IIM's WHS Policy, please click here
To view IIM's Rehabilitation Policy, please click here
Sustainable Practice
At IIM we define sustainability as the capacity to prosper as an organisation by:
Renewing assets and working with the latest technologies where possible and practicable;
Creating and delivering better services that meet the evolving needs of society;
Attracting successive generations of employees and ensuring extended tenures;
To reduce, reuse and recycle;
Contributing to a sustainable environment; and
Attaining the trust and support of our customers, stakeholders and the communities in which we operate.
As part of our ongoing commitment to aching the above IIM has developed and implemented a robust Environment Management policy.
To view IIM's Evironmental Policy, please click here